Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Education Academy
About us
About us
:: About us

Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Education Academy was established in September 2008.  Under the leadership of Prof. V. Mohan, Internationally acclaimed diabetologist and research scientist and Late Dr.(Mrs.) M. Rema, well known specialist in Diabetic Eye Disease. The Academy offers specialized training in diabetes and its complications to doctors, nurses, lab technicians and other paramedical personnel through varied and innovative courses, most of which are being offered for the first time in India. DMDEA aims to create a cadre of trained healthcare professionals equipped to tackle the diabetes epidemic in India. In addition to creating employment opportunities for the concerned candidates, the activities of DMDEA will also benefit society by increasing the availability and quality of healthcare provision in the field of Diabetology.

DMDEA benefits from its association with its parent institution, Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre (DMDSC), which is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Control as well as an International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Centre of Education.

The activities of DMDEA have been acknowledged by the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, which has granted affiliation to the Academy for several of its courses.



Towards excellence in training interested students for a prospective career in the field of  diabetes and its complications.




To conduct structured training programs aimed at creating health care professionals trained in specific aspects of the care of diabetes and its complications

To organize short intensive courses, conferences and seminars on current    technological developments which will be of benefit to the professionals in the field of diabetes.

To raise awareness regarding career prospects in diabetology among eligible students